Happiest of New Years to you all! Wishing you all things beautiful, right and good.
As I search for my "word of the year" one keeps coming back around. The word INTENTIONAL. I tried to think of why this kept popping up in the back of my mind.
I think it is because, ever since the very humble beginnings of Island Cowgirl 23 years ago it seemed as if I always would get swept up into a fast moving tide of it. Demand almost always outpaced supply, which is a good problem to have. Mostly.
The very first sale I ever had was when I rode my bike down the beach to a very prestigious Craft Gallery, with my dog and a backpack full of jewelry. I was sure I was going to embarrass myself and be told to leave. That was probably why I brought my very cute sheepdog Dougal with me. I thought it would be harder to laugh in my face and the cute dog would be a distraction.
Instead they bought nearly everything I had. And so it began.
The difficulty lies in the fact that creatives usually need a little space to create. And expansive times of nothing to be inspired. And if you are always burning the candles at both ends, it is hard to balance it all.
So I think the word INTENTION is coming up a lot for me because perhaps I need to be more Intentional this year. Intentional about my work. Intentional about my time. About my space. And about what kind of things I want to put out into this world to make it just a little more beautiful.
And not just be ticking things off an endless to-do list.
I hope you find your word for the year and try your hardest to honor it.
I will be over here doing the same.